Power shell command to find account lockout origin of an AD user
PowerShell command to find the origin of account lockout in a simpleway.Event id’ is different in 2003 and 2008 DC’s-
- User Account lockout event:644 (for 2003 DC)
Get-EventLog security -computername “Domaincontrollername” | Where {($_.EventID -eq '644') -and ($_.Message -like '*userID*') } |fl
- User Account lockout event:4740 (for 2008 DC)
Get-EventLog security -computername “Domaincontrollername” | Where {($_.EventID -eq '4740') -and ($_.Message -like '*userID*') } |fl
- Command to export the details in a CSV file.
Get-EventLog security -computername “Domaincontrollername” | Where {($_.EventID -eq '4740') -and ($_.Message -like '*userID*') } | Export-Csv "c:\Temp\Lockoutevents.csv"