Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Windows server update services Troubleshooting

Windows server update services

                Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) helps windows administrators to deploy the latest security patches  from Microsoft  and  to update  on computers that are running with windows operating systems and other Microsoft products .

Ø  Latest version is WSUS 3.0 SP2

Ø Configuration:

                  Client level configuration can be done through local  group policy or through Active directory.

Go to START then RUN type GPEDIT.MSC and

 In Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update on right side need to configure update server details and others. Find the below screen shot for quick reference..


                                  The windows update settings will get updated in registry. The values of this registry entries can be changed by changing the group policy (in Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update) or through registry editing.

Here is the path where we can configure them,

·         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate

·         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU

   The registry elements under “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU” are listed below with the values which make difference in settings

Ø  AUOption-à-Stores configuration data for the policy setting Configure Automatic Updates.

Value data: 1 to 4

§  1: Keep my computer up to date has been disabled in Automatic Updates.

§  2: Notify of download and installation.

§  3: Automatically download and notify of installation.

§  4: Automatically download and scheduled installation.


Ø  NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers-à-Stores configuration data for the policy setting No auto-restart for scheduled Automatic Updates installations.

Value data: Reg_DWORD: 0 (false) or 1 (true).

§  If set to 1, Automatic Updates does not automatically restart a computer while users are logged on.

Ø  NoAutoUpdate-à-Stores configuration data for the policy setting Configure Automatic Updates.

Value data: 0 or 1

§  0: Automatic Updates is enabled (default).

§  1: Automatic Updates is disabled.


Ø  RescheduleWaitTime-à-Stores configuration data for the policy setting Reschedule Automatic Updates scheduled installations.

Value data: m,

§  where m equals the time period to wait between the time Automatic Updates starts and the time it begins installations where the scheduled times have passed. The time is set in minutes from 1 to 60, representing 1 minute to 60 minutes)

Ø  ScheduledInstallDay--àStores configuration data for the policy setting Configure Automatic Updates.

Value data: 0 to 7

§  0: Every day.

§  1 through 7: The days of the week from Sunday (1) to Saturday (7).


Ø  ScheduledInstallTime--àStores configuration data for the policy setting Configure Automatic Updates.

Value data: n,

§  where n equals the time of day in a 24-hour format (0-23).

Ø  UseWUServer--àStores configuration data for the policy setting Specify intranet Microsoft update service location.

Value data: Set this value to 1 to configure Automatic Updates to use a server that is running Software Update Services instead of Windows Update.

Ø  WUServer--àStores configuration data for the policy setting Specify intranet Microsoft update service location.

Ø  WUStatusServer-à-Stores configuration data for the policy setting Specify intranet Microsoft update service location.

Ø Commands:

Ø  wuauclt /detectnow  à Command used to Force detect update from WSUS server

Ø  Wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow  àCommand used to reset the authorization with client and wsus

Ø  Wuauclt  /scannow àCommand will force the system to see if there are any patches that apply

Ø  Wuauclt /report now-àCommand will force the client to send updated status to the WSUS server.

Apart from these here is the some more switches used in WSUS administration

§  /DetectNow

§  /ReportNow

§  /RunHandlerComServer

§  /RunStoreAsComServer

§  /ShowSettingsDialog

§  /ResetAuthorization

§  /ResetEulas

§  /ShowWU

§  /ShowWindowsUpdate

§  /SelfUpdateManaged

§  /SelfUpdateUnmanaged

§  /UpdateNow

§  /ShowWUAutoScan

§  /ShowFeaturedUpdates

§  /ShowOptions

§  /ShowFeaturedOptInDialog

§  /DemoUI

Ø Troubleshooting

All Windows update related details (like Errors , process status ) are saved in windows log file under

“%WINDIR%\WindowsUpdate.log”  .
How to read the Windowsupdate.log file--àPlease follow this article which explain on this http://support.microsoft.com/kb/902093

1.    WSUS Clients Registered But Not Displaying Status

                    When a WSUS Clients Registered and not showing any details in wsus server it may be for many reasons like,

                   Wsus admin console will display only unique client id.Each client will have a unique id when installing an OS to it.But then we deploy a client through a same image or Ghosting each client will share with same unique id.

In this case we need to reregister the client with WSUS by following the steps

1.       GO to RUN  and REGEDIT for registry editing

  Go to path                                                                                                                    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate

2.       Delete the following entries PingID, SUSClientID and the AccountDomainSID values  in registry

3.       Restart the "Wuauserv Service "

a)      Net stop Wuauserv àTo stop the Service

b)      Net Start Wuauserv àTo start the Service

c)       Net Status Wuauserv  àTo check the service status

4.       Go to Command prompt(RUNàCMD) and type

a) wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow

The client will start reauthenticate with the wsus server.

2.    Here is a awesome link for top 5 WSUS issues and all are well explained